Home Maintenance
Home Maintenance
The Purpose
To provide home maintenance services that assist consumers to maintain their home in a safe and habitable condition. Maintenance services provided must be linked to assisting clients to maintain their independence, safety, accessibility and health and wellbeing within the home environment. Maintenance services can also assist in creating a home environment that facilitates a client’s wellness and reablement goals. Home maintenance services provided to consumers must focus on repairs or maintenance of the home and garden to improve safety, accessibility, and independence within the home environment for the consumer, by minimising environmental health and safety hazards.
Am I Eligible?
Eligibility includes the aged, people with an aged limiting illness and people with a disability who wish to stay in their own home as independently as possible, albeit with some help with daily living tasks.
You may be eligible under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme if you are:
having trouble doing everyday activities without help, and
need support to live independently in the community
and are 65 years or older (50 years or older and identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person).
Fees will be determined in a way that is transparent, accessible and fair; depending upon circumstances, a contribution may be required, but clients will not to be denied services because of his or her inability to pay a fee for reasons beyond his or her control.
The Service
Activities funded can include a range of maintenance or repair tasks such as:
Accessible, low maintenance garden support inline with wellness and reablement goals
Minor plumbing (tap washers), electrical (change light globes- smoke alarm batteries) & minor carpentry repairs where consumer safety is an issue
Working-at-height related repairs or cleaning for client health and safety i.e., gutters, windows, ceiling fans, smoke alarms
Yard maintenance – essential pruning, trimming, rubbish/yard clearance or lawn mowing where there are issues for consumer safety and access.
The provision and frequency of on-going home maintenance services (lawn mowing and garden pruning) must directly relate to assessed client need in terms of maintaining accessibility, safety, independence or health and wellbeing and be subject to regular review. These are basic services primarily for function and safety rather than for aesthetic effect.
How do I register for services?
How to apply for Government assistance, contact MY AGED CARE on 1800 200 422. visit www.myagedcare.gov.au
Or contact the CHSP Maintenance Team Southern Cross Care (Broken Hill) Ltd on 0880801850.